第196页(2 / 2)








「In dulce jubilo」

In dulce jubilo

now sing with hearts aglow

Our delight and pleasure lies in praesepio

Like sunshine is our treasure matris in gremio

Alpha es et o alpha es et o

O Jesu parvule

for thee I long always

Comfort in my hearts’blindness o puer optime

With all thy loving kindness o princeps gloriae

Trahe me post te trahe me post te

O Patris caritas

o nati lenitas

Deeply were we stained per nostra criminal

But thou for us hast gained coelorum gaudia

O that we were there o that we were there

Ubi sunt gaudia in any place but there

There are angels singing in nova cantica

and there the bells are ringing in Regis curia

O that we were there o that we were there

O that we were there o that we were there

*再安利一下Kelly Clarkson的《My grown up christmas list》

ps礼物只来得及送上文的部份,配图到位后看捉个天蝎的尾巴贴文案上,还是新年零点贴这里吧 XD

最新小说: 了不起的关系 黑心小白兔渣了偏执魔尊 霸总O和金丝雀A 今夜你是谁的爱人 诱桃 你敢给我算一个试试 秋天来临时 下雪时,我们会相爱 七日狂鲨 死而复生后他们想让我安息